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  • Time For Joy | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    A Time For Joy For Immediate Release: Immanuel Lutheran launches ministry to serve individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease A new ministry designed to support individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers is opening on October 2nd at Immanuel Lutheran, 1004 W Broadway, St. Viroqua, WI, 54665. For one day a week, A Time for Joy will provide a fun, engaging environment for participants to enjoy social, recreational and enrichment activities while their caregivers get a four-hour break. “We’ve been preparing for several months, and we are so excited that it’s time to begin this much-needed ministry to support our community and their caregivers,” Pastor Michele said. ‘Working with the Respite for All ministry model, we are excited to bring this ministry to life”. Our Director, Savannah, has completed training developed by the Respite for All Foundation. “We don’t have to reinvent the wheel but are able to apply best practices that have already proven successful at other ministries,” Savannah said. “We have a great schedule of enrichment activities ready to go, and I think our participants are going to see right away that the environment is less like caregiving and more like a thriving recreational center.” “It’s critical that communities like Viroqua offer respite ministries”, she noted. The number of people living with Alzheimer’s disease in Viroqua will more than double over the next thirty years, if trends follow national projections from the Alzheimer’s Association. Currently, more than 6 million Americans are affected by this disease, the association says, and that number is projected to rise to nearly 13 million by 2050. Understanding that Alzheimer’s and dementia diseases are progressive conditions, the participants who would most likely benefit from the program are those who can sit in group settings for a long period and are able to feed themselves and move around. Savannah added, “This is not just for our own church members but for others in the area living with a dementia-related disease who would benefit from these social and relational activities.” A Time for Joy is part of a larger network of respite ministries adopting a successful volunteer-based model of care promoted by the Respite for All Foundation (RFA) to support individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia as well as their caregivers. There is a donation requested of $10 an hour to cover lunch and activities. Scholarships are available to ensure there are no barriers to attending. Registration is required. Respite For All and A Time for Joy are social programs, no medical training is required. One day a week, participants are led through recreational and enrichment activities that fill a need for relationship and interaction. This gives caregivers a much-needed break where they can leave their loved ones with trusted volunteers for up to four hours. Contact Savannah Frei at Immanuel Lutheran for more information. (608-637-3983) or at

  • Youth Ministry | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Youth Ministries Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. All Youth are welcome here. We have many different opportunities for youth here at Immanuel. Confirmation - 2 year program First Communion - offered every year Happy Helpers - 6th grade program - runs like a youth group in training Youth Group - offered for middle and high school ELCA Youth National Gathering (travel opportunity) Youth Mission Trip (offered every other year - 2025 is our next one) Volunteer opportunities (different opportunities offered throughout the year) 2027 ELCA National Youth Gathering Minneapolis, MN Happy Helpers 6th grade youth group in training opportunity Confirmation Classes 2 year program 2025 Youth Mission Trip South Dakota

  • Eva Leo | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Eva Leo Art Eva Leo was born in Germany in 1901. She was the daughter of the Bishop of the local region of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. She studied art in Bremen, Germany and became the first female metal sculptor of Germany. She met Paul Leo in 1937 at an art exhibit. Paul was incarcerated at Buchenwald in 1938, but later released if he would leave the country within 2 months due to his Jewish heritage. Eva was German and not allowed to immigrate to America and instead immigrated to Venezuela, where Paul and she were married. Paul became the Professor of Greek and New Testament studies at Wartburg Seminary. He died in 1958, and Eva took over his classes. She continued her metal sculpting, working primarily in hammered copper. Her artwork is found in Dubuque, Iowa Alsterdorf Church in Hamburg, Germany and in Viroqua, Wisconsin at Immanuel. Eva died in 1998 at the age of 97. Altar Cross Pastor Charles Shepherd Commissioned the Altar Cross that hangs above the altar. It has two sides. The side pictured here is "River of Life". Elements include the ChiRho, Alpha and Omega,as well as the river flowing in all directions. God as King is depicted by the crown. An interesting element is the serpent in the lower part of the cross. Our friends at Good Shepherd Viroqua, paid for the commission as a gift for the newly constructed church. Trytich This is a three panel piece that depicts Christ's mission. It reads, " God became man, to help, to heal, not to be served, but to serve. It hangs over the doorway to the sanctuary. Baptismal Bowl This baptismal bowl has served Immanuel since 1970. It reads, " I have called you by name, You are mine".

  • Serve | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Serving Together God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 11 Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen. 1 Peter 4:10 Property Brothers and Others Are you handy or like to work on projects? The Property Brothers and Others meets on the First & Third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 am Coffee & Donuts are served along with great conversation then a variety of Projects! Quilters Do you like to sew or quilt or want to learn? These talented ladies meet on the first and third Mondays of the month at 9:00 am. They always end their time together with baked goodies and fellowship. Quilts are donated to local organizations (like Sleep in Heavenly Peace), to those getting baptized, those graduating, as well as being sent to Lutheran World Relief. Book Study Do you enjoy reading or learning more about the bible and what is happening in our world? Join a book study with Pastor Michele for a variety of books, biblical and contemporary. Hunger Garden Our Hunger Garden supports multiple local food pantries including 2 specific for our Latinex siblings. We share with our Viroqua Pantry, Bethel Butikk and Couleecap's Pantries in Sparta and Norwalk. Music Ministry Are you musically gifted? Then come share your talents. Choir practices on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. The PS150 Praise Band meets monthly on Wednesdays at 7:15 pm. Thursday Coffee Are you looking for an excuse to get out of the house? Come join us on Thursday mornings at 9:30 am. There is always lots of laughter. It is a beautiful time for fellowship and conversation. Children's Ministry Do you enjoy working with children (gen alpha)? Come join our team of volunteers even if you can only volunteer one time a month. These children are amazing. We have opportunities on Sundays and Wednesdays, oh and don't forget during VBS in the Summer. Youth Ministry Do you like working with gen z (aka teens)? Do you like to travel and/or do community service projects? Then joining our amazing youth team is an area to serve in. From Confirmation, Youth Group, Mission Trips, Outings, Community Service projects these youth could use some extra adults to share in their accomplishments with.

  • Events | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Special Events Here at Immanuel there is always some special events taking place. We take pride in providing a safe and loving environment for families young and old to enjoy together.

  • Ways to Give | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Ways to Give Financially Vanco Mail in your Contribution

  • Garden | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    The Church Hunger Garden The Church Hunger Garden The Church Hunger Garden “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! Luke 12:27-28 The Church garden is managed by an amazing gardener, Terry. He starts the seeds early in the year. He plants, weeds, waters, mulches and does everything he can to help the garden produce amazing fruits and vegetables. We also have a compost to stay as eco-friendly as possible. The produce is then donated to several local food pantries. This beautiful garden has produced over 5 tons of produce.

  • Leadership | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Our Leadership and Staff Pastor Michele Engh Pastor Julie Fraser Communication, Youth and Family Faith Director Terry Sime Building and Grounds Maintenance Dean Saner Director of Music Ministries Patty Moilien Organist Savannah Frei A Time For Joy Director Brit Role Custodia

  • Helen Leo Art Work | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    < Back Helen Leo Art Work Living Waters Cross above Altar Created by Helen Leo in 1970 for Immanuel, this hammered bronze depict the ChiRho; Alpha; Omega, River of Life, snake and Crown of Glory. The cross was commissioned by Pastor Charles Shepherd and our friends at Good Shepherd Lutheran donated the cost of the cross. The other side of the cross depicts Christ Cruxified. Power in Numbers Programs Locations Volunteers Project Gallery Previous Next

  • Our Church in Action | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Our Church in Action Client: Year: Previous Next

  • About | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    About Us We are a church community that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. This faith comes through the good news of Jesus Christ and gives us the freedom and courage to wonder, discover and boldy participate in what God is up to in the world. We embrace you as a whole person---questions, complexities and all. Immanuel Lutheran is the second Reconciling in Christ Church in the La Crosse Area Synod. Our Story Generous Faithful Hard-working Caring Welcoming Thoughtful Courageous Resilient

  • Outreach | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Outreach Outreach Outreach And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation. Mark 16:15 Hunger Our garden has produced over 5 tons of produce and has been donated to multiple food pantries in our surrounding area. Family Events We sponsor special family events where families can come have fun in a safe, friendly environment. Mini-Mission Nights Mini-mission nights are nights were we work on projects to help put a smile on someone's face. Lutheran World Relief Kits The Martha Circle and members of the church help pack different kits each year that are shipped throughout the world.

  • Sunday Worship | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Sunday Worship We are a church whose unity in Jesus Christ, whom gathers us around word and water, wine and bread. Join us in person at 9:00 am Sundays or via Facebook Live. Join Us

  • Church in Action | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Our Church in Action Immanuel Lutheran Church is deeply committed to serving the local and global community. Our members create and send quilts around the world, support missions overseas, provide prayer shawls for those grieving or coping with illness, and support local food pantries with fresh produce from our Hunger Garden. Serving our siblings, we share the love of Jesus Christ. We know we share a diverse sets of talents and interests. Serving is easy to do at Immanuel with a large number of ministries available.

  • Confirmation | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Confirmation Classes Confirmation is a 2 year program that normally runs for 7th through 8th graders with 9th graders doing a special final program for 2 months. If you haven't taken confirmation and would like to, please call the church office. It is never too late to be confirmed.

  • Wednesday Word | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Wednesday Word Wednesday Word meets Wednesdays after school. Bible stories that come to life. We teach the bible story in ways the kids many times don't even realize they are learning. We offer: Snacks, Games, Crafts, Object Lessons, Hands on Activities, Music and more. We finish off each night with worship. The confirmation students along with the Wednesday Word students (and some parents) join Pastor Michele as they share in a youth led worship service in the sanctuary.

  • Vacation Bible School | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Celebrate the Love of Jesus Vacation Bible School This video has been deleted. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied

  • Mission, Vision and Welcome | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Who are we? Our Missi on In response to God’s love and grace, we will welcome, serve, l ov e, an d worship with the community and the world! Our Vision By the grace of God and the love of Jes u s Christ through t he Spirit, we are made in God's image. God’s boundless diversity includes all people including all people of color, their sexual orientations, gender identit ies and gender expressio ns (LGBTQIA+) and abilities, so at Immanuel Lutheran Church we will: Welcome our neighbors as God has first welcomed us Serve as we have been served Share the story of God’s love as God has loved us Engage in Jesus centered worship and education together. To fully live out this vision, we will: Welcome and accept each person as they are. Invite all into loving relationships with God, with one another, and within the communities in which we live and serve. Encourage all to support this life changing work at Immanuel and beyond through service, prayer, Word, and sacrament. Welcome Statement Welcome to Immanuel!!! We welcome you today to worship with us in this space. We share God’s grace and mercy with all who pass through these doors. People of all colors, sexual orientations, gender identities’, gender expressions and LGBTQIA+ identified individuals are welcome. We invite people regardless of their race, religion, or country of origin, to worship and join our community. We are committed to racial equity. The Holy Spirit guides us as we celebrate the Word and Sacrament using a variety of liturgies and music, in a variety of spaces--in the sanctuary, in the garden, on Facebook, on community television, in homes, in hospitals and wherever else we are led. We invite you to celebrate with us and join our family and our ministry. All who believe in the presence of Jesus, the Christ, in the elements of wine and bread are welcome at the communion table. We invite the Sunday School students, confirmati on students and adults to assist with worship since worship is essential. We worship together to receive forgiveness, so that we can forgive. We serve all in response to God’s love and mercy, both those in our community and those beyond our walls. We witness God’s greatness within our community and beyond and want to use our gifts to share the good news. We offer opportunities for learning whether you are a child, youth, or adult and whether you are new to the scriptures or more familiar with the scriptures. Our learning includes learning to care for God’s creation and seeing Christ in everyone we meet. We encourage all to join in fellowship. Welcome to all who worship or minister with us today. We hope that your experience provides meaning and comfort to you on this day that the Lord has made. Alleluia! Our Prayer Our prayer is that coming to Immanuel is like coming home - to a warm, caring family of acceptance and faith. With strong ties to our rich history and tradition, yet an eye on the changing needs of our community, we are walking boldly into the future together: a future of hope, excitement, and growth in Christ.

  • Childrens Ministry | Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Children's Ministry Children's Ministry Children's Ministry The Future of our Church Matthew 19:14 14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Sunday School Sunday School is offered during the school year for ages 3 - 6th grade. Click here to learn more. Wednesday Word Wednesday Word meets Wednesdays after school from 3:15 pm - 5:30 pm. Snacks, bible lesson, games, crafts, object lessons and more. All children are welcome. Click here for more information.

  • Immanuel Lutheran Church | An ELCA Lutheran Community | 1004 West Broadway Street, Viroqua, WI, USA

    A place to find all about the Body of Christ in Viroqua Immanuel Lutheran Church We are a church that belongs to Christ. There is a place for you here. Sunday Worship Time: 9 am Sunday; Coffee Fellowship afterwards Sunday School: 10 am Sunday (3 years old - 6th grade) Wednesday Word: 3:00-5:30 pm (4K-6th grade) Confirmation: Wednesdays 7th & 8th grade 4:00 or 5:00 pm Home: Welcome You are Invited to worship with us Play Video Play Video 01:07:51 Immanuel Lutheran Church - Viroqua Immanuel Lutheran Church - Viroqua, WI 9am Worship on February 9, 2025 Play Video Play Video 01:01:11 Immanuel Lutheran Church - Viroqua February 2, 2025 Worship - Immanuel Lutheran Church - Viroqua, WI Play Video Play Video 01:10:32 January 26, 2025 Play Video Play Video 01:05:56 January 19, 2025 Play Video Play Video 01:02:43 January 12, 2025 Play Video Play Video 01:01:39 January 5, 2025 Play Video Play Video 01:07:08 Immanuel Lutheran Church - Viroqua December 29, 2024 Worship Service at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Viroqua, WI Play Video Play Video 58:08 Immanuel Lutheran Church - Viroqua December 24, 2024 9pm Worship Service at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Viroqua, WI WHAT WE BELIEVE We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he came into our world to bear God's creative and redeeming love to us. Because we are Lutheran Christians, we also believe that nothing that we do can earn this love: it comes to us out of grace alone. We take the Bible so seriously that we can't take it literally. We recognize that it speaks differently in different circumstances; it is not a "how-to" manual, but rather an account of God's great love throughout the generations. Immanuel Lutheran is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA is the most progressive of the Lutheran denominations in the US where women and people in the LGBTQ+ community are pastors and deacons and welcomed in the full life of the church. The ELCA is a denomination that believes God calls us to move outside of the physical walls of a church building into the world. As part of this call, we seek the common good for society and are committed to addressing social and cultural injustice. We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. Our Community Immanuel Lutheran Church has a long, history of serving the community of Viroqua. Through the dedication of our leadership,Pastor Michele, staff and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ. We are open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds, and strive to lead all who worship with us towards a deeper love for God and service to our community and World. Forgiven and freed, we are called to work for justice and peace for all people. "You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope." Thomas Merton Contact Us 1004 W Broadway St, Viroqua, WI 54665, USA (608) 637-3983 Submit Thanks for submitting!

Immanuel Lutheran Church

(608) 637-3983

1004 W Broadway St, Viroqua, WI 54665, USA

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